Saturday, July 25, 2009

Knit One One Craft Sale - Purchase

Thank you to everyone who came out to the Knit One One craft show and bought prints from me! I really appreciate your support!

My prints are still available on my Etsy page - - and I'll let you know if and when I do another physical craft show.

Thanks, and have a great weekend!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Some news :)

Sorry, I'm still working on getting another crop of featured Etsy sellers, so that post will be delayed until later this week, I think. I just wanted to share two pieces of news with you.

First, I finally got my custom engagement ring, and I wanted to share a couple of photos of it. It was a long process, mostly because we weren't sure what we wanted at first, but I think the result is great, and perfectly suited to me. If anyone wants the same ring, too bad! No, just kidding, it is custom, but I'd be happy to share some of the details to make a similar ring.

Second news: Just a reminder that I'm going to be in a craft/art sale in Berkeley this Saturday. It's at Knit One One studios at 3360 Adeline St in Berkeley. Here's the flyer for the sale; unfortunately, they asked me to participate at the last minute and my name isn't on the flyer. But I will be there :)

Knit One One website

Knit One One blog

Even if you don't live in the area and can't make it, you can still benefit! In celebration of my first show, I'm going to do a special promotion on my Etsy shop this weekend, buy one get one free for all of my prints. Check my shop announcement for details on Friday.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Etsy Seller Tuesday - Mysticwynd!

I have the pleasure of featuring another great Etsy seller today, Karen of Mysticwynd! Her shop is full of beautiful, colorful jewelry, and there's so much to choose from! Also, Karen featured my shop in her blog when I was first getting started on Etsy, so I really appreciate her willingness to support fellow Etsy sellers. I asked Karen a few questions, and I hope you enjoy getting to know this wonderful seller!

Empty Nest Necklace - $24

amefaust: You have a huge variety of colors, textures and styles represented in your jewelry. Where do you generally find your components, and how do you decide on each piece's personality?

mysticwynd: My components come from a variety of sources - wholesale suppliers, bead and gem shows and boutiques, private artisans, and I occassionally even find a piece or two at an estate or garage sale that is worthy of upcycling or repurposing.

As to deciding on a piece's "personality," I'll blame it on my overactive imagination combined with some outside inspiration (like a song, or looking through a photo album, or even a random thought). From there, it's just about finding the right components. Sometimes my brain works in reverse and I'll look through my stash of supplies, mixing and matching until something works for me!

Koi Pond Earrings - $10

amefaust: What made you decide to feature so many Etsy sellers on your blog, rather than just focusing on your own art?

mysticwynd: My blog is another artistic release for me. I love to write and find it very therapeutic for me, perhaps that's why I tend to do things a little differently on my blog. You'll find that most of my articles have a story line or theme - which I love to illustrate with some of the amazing finds on Etsy.

If I wasn't a member of the Etsy community, I'd be illustrating my blog posts with my own photos or public domain photos - promoting other Etsians helps me do a better job of illustrating, makes my posts more interesting, and gives them some free exposure! If I were limited to my own items, I think I'd probably find my articles too limited to enjoy.

I guess I'm also a believer in karma to a degree - so I try to help others as much as I can. Positive energy begets positive results in the long term. Besides, I actually do sneak my own pieces in from time to time and I have an Etsy mini of my own shop items on my blog, so I think I do a pretty good job of keeping my bases covered!

Tidal Pool Necklace and Pendant - $33

amefaust: In your profile, you say you live in Arizona. I've never been there, what's the best and the worst thing about living there?

mysticwynd: Hmmm... worst things (want to get those out of the way!):

1) Temperatures over 105 (it's pretty comfortable to that point!)

2) Scorpions and snakes and a couple other critters that are too gross to mention!

3) Our limited highway system (most of the main points of interest only have one main highway connecting them - if there's an accident or closure, be prepared to be stuck or do a lot of extra driving!)

4) Would you believe too much sun? I actually love it when it's cloudy or raining because on average, we only have around 70 cloudy days a year! (The upside is that you can plan virtually anything outdoors and be pretty sure that rain won't ruin your plans!)

Best things:

1) Temperatures under 105 - which is 9 months out of the year. While I own winter clothes, I rarely need more than a light jacket unless I'm up in the mountains!

2) The mountains - I can drive 2 hours to the mountains in winter, play in the snow for a couple hours, and then drive home and swim in the pool. Can't beat that!

3) All of the amazing places of interest - In addition to the Grand Canyon, there are a number of other incredible canyons, rivers, lakes and waterfalls. Visiting the Indian ruins or places like Tombstone is like walking through the pages of ancient history. We also have extensive systems of canyons, dormant volcano fields, our own huge meteor crater and some of the most beautiful red rocks (in the Sedona/Oak Creek Canyon area) that you will see anywhere in the world! Arizona is also home to a number of observatories (which is so cool if you're into stargazing)

4) Our summer rainy season (which used to be called our monsoon)- we get some of the most amazing summer storms in Arizona. I have a friend who actually did his doctoral thesis on lightning and even he is awed by the intensity and beauty of the storms here. But I guess you have to like storms and not be intimidated when you see that precursor of a thousand foot wall of sand heading for you!

Golden Delicious Graduated Bead Necklace - $17

Thanks so much for sharing your art and life, Karen! Good luck to you!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Back from vacation, and new photo post!

Hello, I'm back from my Maine vacation, full of bug bites and wonderful memories of the Allagash brewery in Portland, ME. It's seriously one of the best American craft breweries, and anyone who drinks beer should try it or visit the brewery if they're in the area.

I have a couple of new pictures to share with you, not as many as I'd hoped because the weather didn't really cooperate, but a few nice ones came out of the trip.

This was part of the root system of a fallen tree that had turned into driftwood at Parson's Beach in Southern Maine. I love how the shallow depth of focus allows some of the patterns to be sharp and others sort of dreamily fuzzy.

Pea shoot tendrils climbing and twisting their way around a wire fence. The patterns they make are amazing, and the bright springy green was really beautiful!

Ducklings! We were walking around a wooded path that led to a little inlet, and right as we broke out of the trees and looked down to the shore, we saw a whole gaggle of ducklings and one *very* protective mother. I was only able to get a few shots before the mother put an end to it and led her babies to the other side of the inlet. Aren't they fuzzy and cute?

That's all I have time to prepare for today. I'll post a few more images from this trip later in the week. Have a great day!

Friday, July 3, 2009

I'm going to be in a craft show!

I'm sorry I've been slow with posting new photographs; there's a bit of a backlog because of my work and personal life (searching for our first home) getting very hectic. We're going on vacation next week, so stay tuned for new blog posts starting Monday, July 13, and possibly some great new photographs from Maine!

I wanted to let you know that I've been invited to join a craft show on July 25th at the Knit One One studio in Berkeley! It's going to be my first craft show ever, and my first opportunity to show off my photography in person, so I'm very nervous but excited. As you can see by looking at my Etsy shop, I haven't made any Etsy sales since opening my shop. I've sold two prints through Made It Myself, but nothing on Etsy yet. I'm hoping some in-person exposure will help increase my sales, and it'll at the very least give me a chance to give out business cards to some local art supporters.

So if you live in the area (or know anyone who does), please try to come to the craft show! It's Saturday, July 25th, at Knit One One (3360 Adeline St, Berkeley, CA - close to Ashby BART). I'll be selling matted and unmatted prints for around $15-25 each, and will probably offer some percent off if you buy more than one print. Thanks!