Monday, July 11, 2011

Experimenting with kitten+macro

My savannah cat, Moxie, has been a constant source of amusement, joy and exasperation for me and my husband since he came home with us in November of last year. He's a beautiful cat, but he's definitely demanding of attention and always on the go (when he's awake). The only time I can get good pictures of him is when he's sleeping. Here's a picture I took and converted to black and white during one of those sunshine sleepy sessions.

Friday, July 1, 2011

New Photos in Etsy Shop

Added some new photo listings in my Etsy shop after just about forever. The image quality is relatively low in the post but is much better in the shop (and in real life).

Hope you like them!

Starry Starfish

Saturated Seattle

Pea Shoots Reaching

Tender Tendrils Unfurling